Thursday 10 January 2019

To A Friend Whose Heart is Breaking

How will you save "us", if you alone fight for that relationship? How will you save "us" if you feel unworthy? How will you save something if you're already out of reasons to do so? And why does it needs saving if it is bound to end?

Being in a relationship has immeasurable joy. It gives us a pleased feeling because, we have provided what we think our heart's desired. But, this is not perfect as how we imagined it, time will come that you will go through the pitfalls of this affection.

Immeasurable joy is also equal to boundless agony; the difficult times. All intimate relationships are difficult, if some thought it easy as saying yes, NO! You are definitely wrong! It requires you a great responsibility and willingness.

I know, your relationship has been tested enough to prove your and your partner's faithfulness. You've already experienced the worst out of it that tested your forbearance through the years. You've been through a lot of pain and your mind was filled with worries as you go on. You've repeatedly asking yourself, where did I go wrong? Are the things I did, not enough to provide as much as this relationship needs? The answer is NO! It's just that, the other party fail to notice what lies within, as he was insensitive of your feelings. He often lose his interest and concerns whenever he was distracted or irritated and let you live in affliction sometimes.

I know that you always put your best to make your partner happy and make them feel that they are not alone in this battle. That, despite those adversities, you still find a reason to stay. Yet, why he treats you like that? Why he took advantage of your dependence and weakness? Why he suddenly changed? He became even unbearable, pushing you away and he didn't even bother to care while you suffer.

Some, will still find a way to salvage this relationship. Maybe, they were blinded by promises (that continuously ended being broken), or they were hopeful that things will change, or they were just sentimental of the years they have spent together and afraid of losing it. We refuse to admit that these were scarred already and we actually feel unhappy most of the time. It is not the same and will not be the same as before, it will just distress you over and over again. So, it is better to start making-up your mind and decide what's best for you. You're not being selfish in this way, you're just saving what have just left for yourself, which is almost come to nothing.

You've already tried your every means to save every piece of it and prevent its loss still, nothing happens. You can't save something by yourself, you need "together" to work it out. If you keep fighting without the other, likewise leaves you in solitary, then it's time to decide. YOU DESERVE A BREAK!

You don't deserve to be treated less and disregarded. You are good enough to be considered as IMPORTANT.